



主题一:Flippin’ Shakespeare: Teaching Literature through Theatre Practice

报告时间:2021.10.21 上午10:30

报告地点:C楼801(腾讯会议号539 532 589;密码6666)


Performance is always a pedagogical component in my teaching repertoire, from first-year introductory literature modules to postgraduate-level courses. This session will share how a flipped literature classroom helps address challenges instructors face in a learning environment with a mixture of native English-speaking and ESL students. Participants will also experience, through working with a 10-line excerpt fromMacbeth, the difference of ‘traditional’ and selected ‘flipped’ strategies in a mock classroom of a course on Shakespeare.

主题二:The Three Ladies of Macao: An Experiment


地点:C楼801(腾讯会议号634 531 068;密码6666)


In December 2016, the original English playThe Three Ladies of Macao (3LM) was premièred at the University of Macau’s Black Box Theatre. The play was subsequently published in 2020 and translated into Chinese in 2021.

Set in Macao in the 1960s,3LM is an allegorical play that takes inspiration from English dramatist Robert Wilson’s The Three Ladies of London (ca. 1583) (3LL), an early modern allegory. The organic process of3LM creation was built upon a dramaturgical inspiration derived from the universality of Wilson’s allegorical characters. Through introducing both the philosophy behind3LM and the process by which its creators set about re-imagining and re-creating for Sino-Luso Macao an Elizabethan allegorical play set in London, the speaker hopes to explore with participants how allegorical elements of an Elizabethan play can be applicable and relevant to a twenty-first-century Macao context.


王嘉祺,利兹大学英国文学博士,现为澳门大学教与学优化中心(CTLE)主任、马万祺罗柏心书院代院长和英文系副教授、博士导师、硕士导师。主要研究领域为英国文艺复兴戏剧、莎士比亚戏剧、剧场与音乐。主要成果包括国际顶尖期刊文章 (刊于Adaptation,Early Theatre等),专著Music and Gender in English Renaissance Drama (Routledge),Eastern and Western Synergies and Imaginations: Texts and Histories (Brill),以及原创剧 The Three Ladies of Macao (Brill)。多次被邀在国际论坛、盛事上围绕莎士比亚与文艺复兴时代剧场音乐作演讲并担任主持人, 包括 WorldShakespeare Congress, European Shakespeare Research Association,澳门国际音乐节等。负责设计并教授澳门大学首个在“学堂在线”平台上线的全英语慕课课程“创意Creativity”,2020年获选为澳门地区唯一的国家级一流本科课程。多次在国际和区域会议就高等教育教与学主题作演讲,包括 LillyConference, International Consortium for Education Development Conference (ICED),International Mobile Learning Conference,粤港澳大湾区高校在线开放课程联盟高校智慧教学与“金课”建设研讨会,教育信息化 2.0时代下智慧教学发展与创新研习班。持有英国圣三一音乐学院 FTCL(Piano)和 LTCL(Voice)专业涵。现任澳门大学合唱团声乐指导、澳门嘤鸣合唱团指挥。