专业 | 序号 | 开题人 | 导师 | 论文题目 |
英 语 笔 译 | 1 | 申珊珊 | 卢卫中 | Report on the Translation of Introduction of Istanbul Tourism 伊斯坦布尔旅游介绍翻译实践报告 |
2 | 祝书娥 | 卢卫中 | Report on the Abridged Translation of China's new dream: How will Australia and the world cope with the re-emergence of China as a great power?《中国梦:澳大利亚及各方如何应对中国的崛起》节译实践报告 |
3 | 刘婧 | 刘爱华 | Report on the Translation of Introduction Materials of RETDA 日照经济技术开发区介绍资料翻译实践报告 |
4 | 马倩 | 刘爱华 | Report on the Translation of Uncharted: Big Data as a Lens on Human Culture《未标明---透过“大数据”这副棱镜窥探人类文明》节译实践报告 |
5 | 许晓杰 | 刘爱华 | Report on the Translation of Montessori From The Start: Child At Home, From Birth to Age Three 《蒙台梭利0-3岁婴幼儿家庭教育》翻译实践报告 |
6 | 于松 | 刘爱华 | Report on the Translation of The App Generation 《App的一代》翻译实践报告 |
7 | 陈雨琳 | 夏云 | Report on the Translation of Climate Change in the Polar Regions 《极地气候变迁》翻译实践报告 |
8 | 梁晶晶 | 夏云 | Report on the Translation of 2010 US Dietary Guideline 《2010美国居民膳食指南》翻译实践报告 |
9 | 秦敏 | 伊咏 | Report on the Translation of Parent’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence in Children 《孩子的情绪智力——父母导读》翻译实践报告 |
10 | 徐嵘 | 伊咏 | Report on Translation of Feminist Academic Papers 女性主义学术论文翻译实践报告 |
专业 | 序号 | 开题人 | 导师 | 论文题目 |
英 语 笔 译 | 1 | 李凤仟 | 孙伟 | Translation Report on Some Opinions about Comprehensively Deepening Rural Reform to Accelerate Agriculture Modernization 《关于全面深化农村改革加快推进农业现代化的若干意见》翻译实践报告 |
2 | 刘继清 | 孙伟 | Report on the Translation of An Marine Case 海商法案例翻译实践报告 |
3 | 邢洁 | 孙伟 | Report on the Translation of Journey to Data Quality 《数据质量之行》翻译实践报告 |
4 | 韩苗苗 | 程介未 | Report on Patent Translation by Trados 2014 基于Trados 2014的专利翻译实践报告 |
5 | 李慧 | 程介未 | Report on the Translation of Jinan Municipal Government Opinion on Accelerating the Development of Tourism Industry to Establish a World Famous Tourist City 《济南市人民政府关于加快旅游业发展建设国际名城的意见》翻译实践报告 |
6 | 李扬 | 程介未 | Report on Chinese Communications Patent Translation 中国通信领域专利翻译报告 |
7 | 杨曼玲 | 程介未 | Report on Communication Patent Translation 通讯翻译专利实践报告 |
8 | 于帅 | 程介未 | Report on the Translation of The Anti-Alzheimer's Prescription《四步法预防阿尔茨海默症》翻译实践报告 |
9 | 郭晗 | 巩湘红 | Report on the Translation of Tasting Pu'er Tea 《品鉴普洱茶》翻译实践报告 |
【作者:科研办公室 编辑:科研办公室】