日期:2019-12-31 来源: 阅读:

主题 双语加工中的一语和二语之间的互动

The interactive nature of bilingual language processing

主讲专家:汪昕博士 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学 Macquarie University




In the bilingualism literature, cross-language activation has been demonstrated to support the phenomenon that bilinguals can’t simply shut off the language not-in-use when they are processing the other language. Cross-language activation can be driven by two sources of information: form overlap or automatic/implicit translation. In this talk, I will discuss a series of experiments where we are particularly interested in the role of lexical tones in cross-language activation. In particular, I will discuss how we design experiments to investigate the tonal effects coming from two different sources in bilingual lexical processing. I will also discuss some new data that investigated the neural basis of lexical tone processing in the bilingual context.

双语者的跨语言激活(一语和二语之间)在心理语言学领域已被很多范式所实证。这种一语和二语同时启动的现象说明了语言加工中一语和二语之间的相互影响效应。这种效应通常有两种语言加工机制:1)一语和二语的重叠,2) 隐含翻译。在我的报告中,我讨论就这两种机制而设计的几个新的实验,并阐述中文的音调在跨语言激活中的加工和表征。其次,我简单讨论一下我们最新的音调加工的脑机制的数据。


汪昕目前是澳大利亚麦考瑞大学语言学系高级讲师、博士生导师,主要研究方向是心理语言学、双语、二语习得。她博士毕业于美国亚利桑那大学,曾工作于美国西北大学交流科学系,新加坡国立大学英语系,英国牛津大学教育系和伦敦格林尼治大学语言学系。她的主要研究兴趣是双语者的语言加工和认知表征方面的课题。曾在国际期刊Cognition, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Language Learning, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 等等以第一作者或通讯作者发表了十几篇论文。
